Bedros Bandazian was born in Richmond, Virginia. His real estate firm of Bandazian & Co. was formed in 1974 specializing in Commercial Real Estate, Property Management & Business Brokerage with limited real estate business in the Republic of Armenia.
Bedros Bandazian is a member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Armenian Cultural Association of America, Inc., Board of Directors and Past Chairman of the Armenian Heritage Cruise Committee. Active in the Democratic Party of Virginia and former Co-Chairman of the DNC National Democratic Ethnic Committee. Previously a member of the Armenian National Committee Board in Washington, DC. A former member of the Construction & Development Committee for the City Council of Richmond, Virginia.
A member of St. James Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church in Richmond, Virginia and former Parish Council Chairman, Diocesan Delegate and presently Managing Trustee for the St. James Armenian Church Endowment Funds and Advisory Trustee for the ACAA Endowment Funds, Armenian Youth Federation Endowment Funds, Hamaskayin Endowment Fund, the Homenetmen Endowment Fund, the Hairenik Endowment Funds and has worked in advisory capacity for the Eastern Region USA Diocesan Endowment Fund.
Bedros Bandazian was born in Richmond, Virginia. His real estate firm of Bandazian & Co. was formed in 1974 specializing in Commercial Real Estate, Property Management & Business Brokerage with limited real estate business in the Republic of Armenia.
Bedros Bandazian is a member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Armenian Cultural Association of America, Inc., Board of Directors and Past Chairman of the Armenian Heritage Cruise Committee. Active in the Democratic Party of Virginia and former Co-Chairman of the DNC National Democratic Ethnic Committee. Previously a member of the Armenian National Committee Board in Washington, DC. A former member of the Construction & Development Committee for the City Council of Richmond, Virginia. A member of St. James Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church in Richmond, Virginia and former Parish Council Chairman, Diocesan Delegate and presently Managing Trustee for the St. James Armenian Church Endowment Funds and Advisory Trustee for the ACAA Endowment Funds, Armenian Youth Federation Endowment Funds, Hamaskayin Endowment Fund, the Homenetmen Endowment Fund, the Hairenik Endowment Funds and has worked in advisory capacity for the Eastern Region USA Diocesan Endowment Fund.
In 2005, then Governor of Virginia, Mark R. Warner, appointed Bedros Bandazian as Chairman of the Virginia- Armenia Advisory Commission. This is the first commission of its type in the United States. Bedros C. Bandazian has been an active member of the Richmond Association of Realtors, the Virginia Association of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors. A Charter Member of the NAR Property Management Division, on many committees for the local and state Real Estate Board with the Legislative Committee, Property Management Committee and other activities.
Has been a member of the ARF Central Committee of the Eastern Region USA for many years and continues to be involved in activities of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, ANCA and other Armenian institutions.
Two Foxmere Drive – Richmond, Virginia 23238
(804) 358-5543 (804) 370-5468 (Cellphone) [email protected]